Flea Control in Ithaca
Getting Rid of Fleas in Your Home or Business
Fleas are a common problem that can be difficult to control. These tiny, wingless insects are parasites that feed on the blood of birds and mammals. They are capable of jumping long distances and can easily infest homes and businesses. When a flea infestation occurs, it is important to take immediate action to eliminate the problem.
At Wildlife Resolutions, we offer comprehensive flea control services in Ithaca, NY, and the surrounding areas. Our professional technicians can help you identify the source of the problem, develop a customized treatment plan, and provide tips for preventing future infestations.
Call (607) 695-4960 or online to schedule flea control services in Ithaca, NY, or the surrounding areas.
Identifying a Flea Infestation
There are several signs that can indicate a flea infestation, including:
- Itchy Skin – Flea bites often cause small, itchy red bumps. If you notice that you or your pets have been scratching more than usual, fleas may be the culprit.
- Seeing Fleas or Flea Dirt – Fleas are small, dark brown or black insects that are about 1/8 inch long. They are usually found on pets or in areas where pets sleep or spend a lot of time. Flea dirt is the feces of fleas and looks like small black specks on your pet’s skin or in their bedding.
- Pets That Are Scratching, Biting, or Licking Themselves More Than Usual – Fleas are most commonly found on dogs and cats, but they can also infest other animals, including rabbits, ferrets, and rodents. If your pet is scratching, biting, or licking themselves more than usual, they may have fleas.
- Seeing Flea Eggs, Larvae, or Pupae – Fleas go through a life cycle that includes four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Flea eggs are tiny, white, and oval-shaped. Flea larvae are small, worm-like insects that are about 1/4 inch long. They are usually found in dark, humid areas, such as under your pet’s bedding or in carpeting. Flea pupae are cocoons that are about 1/4 inch long. They are usually found in the same areas as flea larvae. Flea pupae can remain dormant for several months, so even if you get rid of the adult fleas, you may still have a problem.
Frequently Asked Questions
I found an injured or juvenile animal. Will Wildlife Resolutions rescue them?No. Wildlife Resolutions is not a NYS licensed rehab facility. There are several licensed wildlife rehabbers in the area. The NYS DEC website has a list of rehabbers by county. Some good local options would be… Swanson Wildlife Clinic at Cornell University- 607-253-3060 Wild Things Sanctuary- 607-200-4100 Wildlife Wishing Well- 607-277-1547
What about dogs, cats, and other domestic animals?No. Domestic and Ferral animals are protected by Ag & Markets. Wildlife Resolutions is not licensed to handle complaints about stray or barking dogs, cats in trees or sick or mistreated livestock. These types of issues should be directed to the Tompkins County SPCA.
Is Wildlife Resolutions the same thing as animal control?No. Wildlife Resolutions is a wildlife control company that navigated the relationship between humans and wild animals. Animal control deals with domestic or feral animals. Tompkins County Animal Control: (607)592-6773
What happens to the animals once they are trapped?Wildlife Resolutions does not translocate wildlife for several reasons. By law, animals like raccoons and skunks must be euthanized if they are removed from your property.
Can a wild animal be Relocated?A wild animal can be relocated from a house or building to the outdoors if it is released on the same property. Removing an animal from a property to another property would be considered “Translocation” and is illegal in New York State.

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